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Independence, freedom & right to exist

Freedom and independence are a great and valuable right of existence for everyone.

"The promise to the Moluccan people"

Today I received an invitation to write a piece. This invitation, because today, August 17, 2020, is Indonesia's national holiday. Today she celebrates her 75 years of independence and freedom.


August 17 is Indonesia's National Day. It is celebrated that on this date in 1945 the Indonesian people were declared independent. This after 300 years of Dutch colonial occupation. The Netherlands only recognized independence on December 27, 1949. This was the date of the transfer of sovereignty.

First of all, congratulations are in order, because freedom and independence is a great and valuable right of existence for everyone.

As those who know me are used to from me. I will also share my view, feeling and experience here respectfully, but openly and honestly.

Let me honestly and openly admit that my congratulations are sincere and sincere. I believe that freedom and independence is the right to exist for every human being.

And there… There something starts to gnaw and wring.

I lived and grew up until I was 18, in a Moluccan neighborhood, with my Moluccan father, family and friends. A Moluccan neighborhood, where everyone knows each other, interacts with each other, visits each other and helps. Your own community in a big city. As a young girl I also went to other Moluccan neighborhoods in the Netherlands and had family and friends everywhere. Point to a place in the Netherlands and I have been there or very close to it. Because Moluccan neighborhoods extend from North to South and from East to West.

You will not be surprised that I have heard and seen many stories from the first generation of Moluccan grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunts.

There was a lot of laughter, a lot of memories and yes, also cried. I not only heard the stories, but also felt the emotions, homesickness and the hope of one day being able to return home safely, back to the Moluccas. I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling.

Because fair is fair, besides sadness there was also a lot of anger. Anger because the promise has been broken so cruelly, callously and degradingly.

Perhaps you can imagine that I was brought up with a good dose of suspicion and caution. For example, there was suspicion towards Indonesia, the Netherlands and the people. That is how I was taught that I always had to be on my guard and to have a good dose of distrust. Because that was the experience of my grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunts. The Promise made by the Netherlands was just as easily broken by the Netherlands. Was it economic interests, political interests, or a mix of both, that made the promise disappear?

Looking back now as an adult woman, I can still remember and feel the pain and bitterness. After all, I have also seen the associated sadness and consequences in many eyes and in those around me.

At this time, in my opinion, I may speak of a traumatic experience. A traumatic experience that has been passed on from generation to generation, consciously or unconsciously.

Well, a deep sigh from me... It's not nothing.

I am sometimes asked how I stand on this and what my position is. If the interest is sincere and respectful, I am always willing to answer that question and enter into a conversation.

Mutual knowledge and exchange of experience, in my view, brings people closer together or at least broadens knowledge.

These conversations are almost always enlightening for me and, I hope, for everyone involved.

Searching together for a solution, for the connection? Then the first step is to speak up and talk to each other, because as said before. Freedom and independence are the right to exist of every human being!

The right to exist is a birthright.

I have made the following statement many times before and people who know me will recognize it.

It is simple and reads as follows:

Suppose you have an open wound on your arm. Then this wound needs care and attention. The wound must be examined and cleaned. With proper attention and care, the wound will heal. Without any care or attention, stick a bandage over this wound. Then this wound will fester, pus will come out and become infected.

The promise to the Moluccan people, my grandfathers, grandmothers, uncles and aunts has been broken. This has left a deep wound. A wound that demands attention, wants to be seen and heard, so that she can (finally) heal.

Nusa Ina

Nusa Ina April 27, 2023
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