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Thanks to Tjenkeh, we can be transparent and responsible with the expenditure and distribution of financial resources.

We will make our expenditure public through our platform, so that members and donors can see exactly how their money is used.


With your support, we can invest in projects, individuals, companies and initiatives that improve our community. Your financial contribution is invaluable.

"A small contribution can make a big difference"big difference"


What is Open Collective?

LSL, the platform focused on Togetherness, Passion and Caring, is committed to promoting social cohesion and well-being in the community. To support this mission, LSL uses Open Collective, a platform that manages and shares financial resources transparently and responsibly.

Open Collective allows LSL to invest in projects and initiatives that benefit the community. The platform offers tools to manage financial transactions, monitor expenses, handle invoices and prepare financial reports. Open Collective ensures full transparency in financial management, so donors can see where their money is going.

Part of the proceeds will be reserved (exact amount?) to invest in individuals, initiatives and companies that share LSL's values. This financial support helps promote a sustainable, healthy and inclusive community for all.