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Can someone explain this to me?

Why is the large body allowed and able to deduct and settle directly, but I as an individual am not allowed to do this?

I think most people who know or have met me personally would describe me as friendly, helpful, optimistic and I can almost hear my children yelling “don't forget to mention Teletubbie”. I will try to briefly explain why I got the nickname Teletubbie. I have the quality and stubborn will, to want to approach things from the positive side and to look and look for a bright spot in the darkness. But now comes the but.

Sometimes there seems to be a collision in my head, call it a crash if you like. Such a crash happens when I hear or try to understand something, but there is a connection or logic missing for me somewhere. I don't do that consciously or on purpose, but it literally just happens in my head.

For those of the readers who, like me, also think visually. You could imagine it as follows. We are two vehicles on the road and vehicle #1 babbles and babbles while driving, a story to vehicle #2. Vehicle #2 listens attentively until vehicle #1 says something that vehicle #2 doesn't understand, because the logic of the story cannot be found by vehicle #2. This causes vehicle #2 to spin out of control or crash into a wall of questions.

Can you picture it, that brain of mine?

Fun, visual and nicely told, but where am I going with this story? Sit down, hang, lie down or stand still for a while, then I'll share my story.

It's like this. I think we have all had to deal with a large (government) agency or other similar large company. I myself don't like to lump people, agencies and things together, so I won't do that now either. With openness and honesty at the forefront, I have sometimes wondered whether some people work here and there, who hardly go outside or hardly make contact with other people. In short, I am talking about the phenomenon of "being treated as a number, in an endless series".

I will now explain where that crash is or will arrive. If you are in contact with, let's call it "the big agency" for convenience and you have a question, a request or something like that. Then, in many cases, you will be referred to a page where you must submit your question, objection or complaint in writing within a specified time. This is not possible by telephone, because they cannot transfer you to the relevant colleague or department.

There is crash #1: As far as I have heard, we live in 2020, a time in which we can communicate with each other in speech and image throughout the world. The agency also has the necessary communication equipment, because an employee can call me (unannounced) via a protected number. But if I call and want to speak to an employee, the same large agency cannot transfer me. Okay, please explain to me why this isn't technically possible. I can fill in the answer myself, but then I don't get any further than unwillingness, working method and orders from above to act in this way, abuse and/or use of your (power) position and more of these types of answers. If you have an answer to my question, please let me know because it will save me from having a crash in my head.

Crash #2: The large body allows me to submit a written question, objection or complaint and I have X number of days or weeks to do so. I'll take a financial issue for the sake of convenience. Let's say that due to personal circumstances, my income has decreased. As it should be, I will inform the large body properly and this large body will process this retroactively. As a result of my reduced income, too much is withheld over a period of time. During this period I have to wait patiently until the large body comes up with a recalculation.

Now we reverse the roles. 

The big agency still gets money from me. I receive a letter from the agency about this and this amount will immediately be settled and deducted from any other amounts to be received by me.

Where's the logic here? Why is the large body allowed and able to deduct and settle directly, but I as an individual am not allowed to do this?

Can someone give me a logical explanation? Because here too I can fill in the answer myself, but then I will not get further than unwillingness, working method and order from above to act in this way, abuse and / or use your (power) position and more of these kinds of answers. If you have an answer to this question, please let me know because it will save me a second crash in my head.

I'm doing well, so I'll continue for a while. In this Corona time, we have to deal with (changing) rules. Things that were very normal for most people and were not even thought about are now restricted or limited. Go outside and you'll see the differences between early 2020 and now. Rules, rules and more rules. Some people adhere to it, some people limit it and some don't. I'm not going to say which list I'm in, because that doesn't matter in this story. It is still about the crash.

What's the crash here?

Suppose I belong to the list that chooses to limit itself or not to comply with the rules, then I risk a fine.

This formula would look something like this:

I don't follow the rules = Punitive measure

So far clear. But then I look around and see all kinds of people, organizations and political parties flouting the rules.

This formula would look like this:

Organization does not comply with the rules = Limited / no punitive measure or it disappears in the well-known cover-up.

Or I'm sucking all this out of my big thumb. If only it were true I would almost say.

Just Google cover-ups or reviews of the customer service of large organizations. There is unfortunately enough to find, read and amaze. Unfortunately it has been going on for years and apparently some people / agencies are still getting away with it.

How this is still possible and happening in 2020. I don't have the answer, but I dare say that we seem to be waking up little by little and dare to look and listen to the other side of the story.

It is like a house of cards that collapses and has to be rebuilt from the ground up.

If I listen and look around me, I see more and more people getting stuck or falling by the wayside. I'm not saying this is wrong or right. I'm not saying this is normal or abnormal either. It is something that I perceive and with me also others. If more and more people get stuck or fall by the wayside, then they care & ask for a move. A movement that now seems to go against the prevailing norm. It shakes us awake and calls “hello” as it were and invites us to look at things from different angles, points of view and experience.

Yes, the proverbial house of cards may have to collapse first, but then the building will start.

Corona can separate us, but it can also be an invitation to connect and bring us closer together. The choice is yours and mine.

Every day I make the choice to put that piece of Lain Sayang Lain into practice in good conscience. And yes, this works better one day than the other, because I am and remain human and, like all of us, experience my own personal growth.

To end with a sum:

Me + You = We

That is true wealth as far as I am concerned and also what Lain Sayang Lain stands for and is all about. You are not a number, you are unique, we listen to each other, we ask questions and we respect each other's opinion because everyone is unique and differences are allowed.

I stay where I think it is necessary, rattling some walls and established norms and values. Why I do that? Very simple….. I love people and life by nature. And yes, I sometimes get stuck in the quicksand, but I've been scribbling out stronger and stronger so far.

I'll be covered in mud, but I'll never be mud.

Nusa Ina

Nusa Ina April 27, 2023
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